Józef Robakowski | I Want to Tell You All That Art Is Energy

curator: Lenka Dolanová | Black Cube

The exhibition by Polish filmmaker, video artist and creator of photographs, installations and drawings Józef Robakowski (b. 1939) provides a glimpse into different aspects of his work, primarily from the 1960s to the 1990s. It also shows him in his role as an art collector, a member of various art groups and an organiser of exhibitions and other independent art activities. The exhibition includes films and photographs acquired by GMU in 2023, plus works on loan from the artist’s archives and from the National Museum in Wroclaw (Muzeum Narodowe we Wrocławiu).

In his Confessions of a Pseudo-Avant-Gardist (1994), Robakowski wrote that he had adopted the role of an “organisational drone” whose goal it is to spread energy. The exhibition contains photographic objects from his time with ZERO-61, a group that he founded with several other artists in Toruń. It also includes short films: time-lapse footage, films made without the use of a camera and film performances in which he tested the relationship between the camera’s “seeing” and his own body. His performance Furniture Sale (Wyprzedaż mebli, 1971) dates to his time with the avant-garde group Warsztat Formy Filmowej (WFF), which was founded by students and graduates of the Lodz Film School. The group’s analyses of the language of film and media were inspired by Eastern European conceptual tradition. In the early 1970s, its members began to establish international contacts and to exhibit abroad.

Another possible way of exchanging energy was offered by Exchange Gallery (Galeria Wymiany), which Robakowski and Małgorzata Potocka founded in 1978 in their home as a personal archive of independent art. Following the political events of 1981, Robakowski resigned his professorship at the Lodz Film School and turned to more intimate ways of working with the image. In his film About Fingers (O palcach, 1982), his fingers recount their personal histories. From my Window (Z mojego okna) consists of commented footage shot from Robakowski’s window in the years 1978–1999.

Józef Robakowski continues to create personal, often ironically conceived video performances and uses his photographic cycles to explore the relationship between reality and depictions of reality. His conviction that art is above all an exchange of energies is expressed in the video The Energy Manifesto! (Manifest energetyczny!, 2003). Robakowski’s work reflects the evolution of the moving image in Eastern Europe and the search for alternatives to official art.


The exhibition was supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic and the Statutory City of Hradec Králové.